[jdom-interest] empty xmlns definition

Mary Ellen Foster mefoster at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 08:47:45 PDT 2006

On 7/18/06, Schmidt, Arthur <Arthur_Schmidt at stercomm.com> wrote:
> <root version="4" configVersion="0" xmlns:="">
> I have read a lot about people having xmlns="".  That wouldn't hurt
> anything, but that colon crashes the parser.  Does anyone have any idea
> about what I can do besides switching back to DOM?

This is a known bug in the JDOM 1.0 release. I fixed it by downloading
and compiling the latest JDOM from CVS, which seems pretty stable.

I think a 1.0.1 (or something) release is planned to address this bug
and others, but I don't know what the timeframe is.


Mary Ellen Foster

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