[jdom-interest] need help with local DTD

jdom-interest at vrolijken.nl jdom-interest at vrolijken.nl
Sun Nov 13 23:12:27 PST 2005

Hi Paul,

Not quite sure what you mean, but the InputSource is created like this: 
build as
  // repositoryFileName = repository.xml
  //j2ee compliant lookup of resources
  URL url = ClassHelper.getResource(repositoryFileName);
  String pathName = url.toString();
  // pathName is now file:/C:/a/very/long/path/classes/repository.xml
  InputSource source = new InputSource(pathName);

Quoting Paul Libbrecht <paul at activemath.org>:

> Can I infer you didn't create your input-source with a system-id URL ?
> Without it, no parser can sensibly resolve relative URLs... and they  
> should not consider any such notation of "current directory" unless  
> with file://a/b/c.
> paul
> Le 11 nov. 05, à 16:28, jdom-interest at vrolijken.nl a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working on WebSphere 5.0 on a project that involves Jakarta 
>> Slide.  For that
>> project I needed to change the classloader policy to PARENT_LAST and  WAR
>> classloader policy to APPLICATION so that it would use the JDom  
>> provided with
>> Slide, which is newer that the WSAD one. The problem I'm having now 
>> is  that the
>> OJB configuration (which is also needed) is not properly loaded  anymore.
>> The error I'm getting is "no protocol" for the DTD. I would not think  the
>> protocol is needed as it is a local file. I can change the  
>> specification of the
>> DTD into "file:///path/on/my/local/machine/repository.dtd" and that  
>> works. The
>> problem (obviously) is that this won't work in production, as the path  is
>> completely different.
>> What am I doing wrong here?
>> --- part of the code where stuff breaks ----
>> in
>> org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.RepositoryPersistor.readMetadataFromXML( 
>> InputSource,
>> Class):
>> DescriptorRepository repository = new DescriptorRepository();
>> ContentHandler handler = new RepositoryXmlHandler(repository);
>> reader.setContentHandler(handler);
>> reader.parse(source);                 <--- throws a  MalformedURLException
>> --- XML file that is fed to 'source' ---
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository PUBLIC "-//Apache Software  
>> Foundation//DTD OJB
>> Repository//EN" "repository.dtd"
>> [
>>    <!ENTITY database SYSTEM "repository_database.xml">
>>    <!ENTITY internal SYSTEM "repository_internal.xml">
>>    <!ENTITY user SYSTEM "intranet_mapping.xml">
>> ]>
>> ...
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