[jdom-interest] PI problem

Rodrigo Alvarez ralvarez at dybox.cl
Mon Jun 20 10:46:41 PDT 2005


I have a problem including a process instruction. I want to include the 
following PI

<?xml encoding='EUC-JP'?>

When calling
                 map = new HashMap();
                 pi = new ProcessingInstruction("xml",map);

I get a org.jdom.IllegalTargetException. Which is OK, cause I'm trying to 
create a target which is not allowed. The problem is how do I include the 
PI? I can´t use XMLOutputter class cause the Document is used in a 
transformation, eg I'm not "outputting" the xml directly. I have not found 
any other way to include the PI or set the encoding of my Document. I need 
to be able to set the encoding cause my scenario is the following.

I have a Controller that convert/inserts POJO objects into a JDOM Document 
and some of the objects produces characters with special encoding.
The JDOM document is then transformed with an JAXP using

TransformerFactory.transform(new JDOMSource(xmlDoc),new 

When some objects produce characters/text with different encoding I get an 

Thanks for a great product, been using it since b6. I use v 1.0 of JDOM


Rodrigo Alvarez Reygadas
Director de Innovación Tecnológica
DyBOX Consulting and Development
Oracle Certified Partner

Avda. Providencia 2653 Of.1701 Piso 17
Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
(562) 333 1121

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