[jdom-interest] DefaultJDOMFactory class removed from jdom causing jakarta-velocity build to fail

Geir Magnusson Jr. geirm at optonline.net
Mon Feb 9 12:46:17 PST 2004

On Feb 9, 2004, at 1:32 PM, Jason Hunter wrote:

> The factory class move was recent and is planned to be permanent  
> unless someone finds a major problem with the new organization.
> BTW, JDOM just published a "beta 10 release candidate 1".  We're  
> encouraging everyone to review the API because we're planning on  
> shipping a 1.0 final within 6 weeks.  All known outstanding API change  
> issues have been addressed in b10-rc1, and so this is the best time to  
> give feedback on the latest changes.  Between beta10 and 1.0 we hope  
> not to make any API changes.

LOL.  It's been where it was for *years*.

If there's a rc we can grab and use, then we're fine with moving it, I  


> -jh-
> Antoine Lévy-Lambert wrote:
>> Robin Rosenberg wrote:
>>> It's moved to org.jdom. Seems some files have not been checked in.
>> Hi Robin,
>> I have seen since my first email that DefaultJDOMFactory moved one  
>> package down.
>> Can you let Geir Magnusson Jr and the velocity developers know  
>> whether the package move of DefaultJDOMFactory is permanent ?
>> Antoine
>> http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listName=velocity- 
>> dev at jakarta.apache.org&msgNo=10035
>>> -- robin
>>> On Monday 09 February 2004 14.43, Antoine Lévy-Lambert wrote:
>>>> Hi Jdom.org,
>>>> you seem to have recently removed the class  
>>>> org.jdom.input.DefaultJDOMFactory .
>>>> This causes the build of jakarta-velocity in Gump to fail [1].
>>>> Geir Magnusson Jr was wondering what was actually failing in the  
>>>> build of velocity [2].
>>>> The error messages are reproduced below [3]:
>>>> Is there a replacement for this DefaultJDOMFactory ?
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Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-247-1713(m)
geir at 4quarters.com

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