[jdom-interest] Reinitialisation

Gareth Hughes gareth.hughes at steintravel.ie
Fri Aug 20 09:20:58 PDT 2004

Thanks for the help.... 

Couldn't get it to work at first but amended to the following and its
working fine now.

List content = element.getParent().getContent();
for(int i=0;i<content.size();i++){
	Object o = content.get(i);
	if(o instanceof Element){
		Element el = (Element)o;
		if(el == element){ // element - Element to be removed
			int index = content.indexOf(el);
			if (index > 0
				&& content.get(index - 1) instanceof Text
				&& ((Text) content.get(index -
1)).getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
content.remove(index - 1);

Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Per Norrman [mailto:per.norrman at austers.se] 
Sent: 20 August 2004 15:40
To: Gareth Hughes
Cc: jdom-interest at jdom.org
Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] Reinitialisation

Gareth Hughes wrote:

> I'm building a JDOM Doc and eventually attaching the resulting XML doc to
> SAAJ SOAPMessage. I'm using the SOAPMessage.writeTo method to output the
> message to a file for visual verification. The attached XML contains a
> line where I removed the element in question (using
> Parent.removeContent(element)).
> This is causing problems with my SOAP req. I hoping there is some way I
> reinitialise the JDOM doc before attachment to the SOAPMessage.
> Any help is much appreciated. 

Help is on the way:

     * Remove an element and any immediatley preceding whitespace
    Element e = ....
    List content = e.getParent().getContent();
    int index = content.indexOf(e);
    if (index > 0
         && content.get(index - 1) instanceof Text
         && ((Text) content.get(index - 1)).getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
       content.remove(index - 1);


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