[jdom-interest] Not just another NoClassDefFoundError FAQ...

Eric Rosenberg eric at computerwizards.com
Wed Sep 17 19:36:58 PDT 2003


On Wednesday 17 September 2003 09:56 pm, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> My previous post was one of the FAQs. Sorry about that. I've been using
> JDOM for about two years and never had that particular problem come.
> The reason is that I've always stuck jdom.jar and xerces.jar in my
> extensions folder, and, finally, in my old age, I've decided to try
> managing classpaths for various projects. Which brings me to a question
> that may be too off-topic...
> I've tried setting up an Ant task which copies a bunch of jars from
> various places around my computer into a super-jar and then I specify
> that super-jar as my classpath in any code that runs code. In
> particular, here's the makelibjar task:
> 	<target name="makelibjar">
> 		<jar destfile="${build.lib}/lib.jar">
> 			<zipfileset src="/usr/local/jdom-b9/lib/xerces.jar" />
> 			<zipfileset src="/Library/Tomcat/common/lib/servlet.jar" />
> 			<zipfileset src="/usr/local/jdom-b9/build/jdom.jar" />
> 			<zipfileset src="/usr/local/junit3.8.1/junit.jar" />
> 		</jar>
> 	</target>
> And here's the test task I'm trying to run:
> 	<target name="test" depends="compile" description="Run the JUnit
> tests.">
> 		<java classname="org.dupontmanual.resourceviewer.ResourceListTest">
> 			<classpath>
> 				<pathelement location="${build.classes}" />
> 				<pathelement location="${build.lib}/lib.jar" />
> 			</classpath>
> 		</java>
> 	</target>
> I realize this question might be better suited to an Ant discussion
> list, but on the JDOM-related side, am I not including something that I
> should be? Is there an easier way to do this that someone could point
> me to?
> Thanks, and sorry about the FAQ before,
> Todd
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