[jdom-interest] XMLOutputter indent problems

HUFFMAN BRADLEY S hip at csa.cs.okstate.edu
Tue May 20 14:11:28 PDT 2003

"Roy van der Kuil" writes:

> I am having problems with writing a previously readed xml-file.
> if I have a file that says:
> <fruits>
> 	<fruit name="banana"/>
> 	<fruit name="apple"/>
> </fruits>
> And I read it in (using SAXBuilder)
> and after that do an new XMLOutputter("   ", true).output(fruitDocument, 
> file);
> I get:
> <fruits>
> 	<fruit name="banana"/>
> 	<fruit name="apple"/>
> </fruits>
> After re-reading  and rewritng that another empty line is added between the 
> elements.
> I;have replaced the XMLOutputter from beta-9 with the one from beta-8 and 
> that fixes the problem.. Any clues?

If you want the file "as read",  do

 new XMLOutputter().output(fruitDocument, file);

If you want "pretty printing", then in beta 8 do

 XMLOutputter outputter =  new XMLOutputter();
 outputter.setIndent("    ");
 outputter.output(fruitDocument, file);

In beta 9, use the static method Format.getPrettyFormat() which takes care
of the proper settings for you and reads better

 XMLOutputter outputter =  new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
 outputter.output(fruitDocument, file);


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