[jdom-interest] XML "diff"

Kenneth Ellefsen kellefsen at bergen.oilfield.slb.com
Tue Mar 18 23:12:51 PST 2003


Heres something I made a while ago to create diffs.

Works fine in my case where el2 is the root of a document that is a
subset of the full document that el1 is the root of.

 * This method is recursive.
 * @param el1 Root of the full "document"
 * @param el2 Root of the subset "document"
 * @return The root of the diff "document"
private Element diff(Element el1, Element el2){
   Element el = null;
   if(!equals(el1, el2)){
      el = new Element(el2.getName());
      java.util.List a = el2.getAttributes();
      int size = a.size();
      for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
         el.setAttribute( (Attribute) ( (Attribute)a.get(i) ).clone());

   java.util.List l1 = el1.getChildren();
   java.util.List l2 = el2.getChildren();
   Iterator li1 = l1.iterator();
   Iterator li2 = l2.iterator();
      Element e = diff((Element)li1.next(),   (Element)li2.next());
      if(e != null){
         if(el == null){
            el = new Element(el2.getName());
            java.util.List a = el2.getAttributes();
            int size = a.size();
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
   return el;

private boolean equals(Element el1, Element el2){
   java.util.List l1 = el1.getAttributes();
   java.util.List l2 = el2.getAttributes();
   Iterator li1 = l1.iterator();
      Iterator li2 = l2.iterator();
      Attribute at1 = (Attribute)li1.next();
      Attribute at2 = (Attribute)li2.next();
         at2 = (Attribute)li2.next();
         return false;
   return true;

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