[jdom-interest] SAXBuilder problems...

Bob.Breitling at rrd.com Bob.Breitling at rrd.com
Mon Mar 3 07:44:17 PST 2003


I'm trying to use a SAXBuilder object to build a XML document from an URL
In my case the URL is to a FileMaker Pro 5.5 Web companion running on
another computer on my local network.  If I access the same URL with my web
browser (Netscape 7.02) I get feed back a document.  From my Java program I
always get a JDOM exception thrown.

After writing several test programs that try to open a URL I am getting a
lot of FileNotFound exceptions.  It is almost as though the test programs
and the SAXBuilder.build(URL) calls are not waiting for the FileMaker DB
long enough.  None of this is making a lot of sense though.

If I take the data returned to the browser and feed it into JDOM, I get a
Document object instantiated so if I could get the URL to work I believe I
would get back a parsable XML document.  The JDOM exception seems to be
related to not getting anything back and not getting back an invalid XML
data stream.

The most burning question is how can the browser use the same URL and get
back an XML document and my SAXBuilder code and my test programs that use
URL and URLConnections and java.io.* classes to read the URL all fail?

Thanks is advance for any insight into this problem.

Bob Breitling
RRDonnelley & Sons

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