[jdom-interest] Question of DTD

O'neil, Jerome joneil at cobaltgroup.com
Mon Jun 3 07:59:44 PDT 2002

If you are using IE to view your XML, you should know that IE will transform
your XML into something a little more human readable.    Select
"View->Source" and you will see the full XML output.
 -----Original Message-----
From: dongst [mailto:jdst12 at sohu.com]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 2:24 AM
To: jdom-interest at jdom.org
Subject: [jdom-interest] Question of DTD

hi, all
I used jdomb8 to create a xml file,but I got a unnormal result.
the code is below:
DocType type = new DocType("Test","test.dtd");
the result is:
 <!DOCTYPE Test (View Source for full doctype...)> 
I think it would be:
 <!DOCTYPE Test SYSTEM "fibonacci.dtd">
and I put the dtd file to the directory of the class and java file.
why and how can I do?
By the way, how can I change a xml file 's encoding, for default, it is
Jack Dong
jdst12 at sohu.com <mailto:jdst12 at sohu.com> 

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