[jdom-interest] Searching a JDOM document

Hushagen, Michael E. MEHushagen at fedins.com
Tue Aug 27 10:11:04 PDT 2002

Here's a JDOM question for all the gurus out there:

I want to search a JDOM document and return the element that matches the
name I pass in the parameters.  Here's what I have (it's recursive):

public Element findElement(Element current, String elementName)
	if (current.getName() == elementName)
		return current;
	List children = current.getChildren();
	Iterator iterator = children.iterator();
	while (iterator.hasNext())
		Element child = (Element) iterator.next();
		Element tempElement = findElement(child, elementName);
		if (tempElement != null)
			return tempElement;
             // Didn't find the element anywhere.
	return null;

I call this method with the JDOM root element.  It works fine, but I was
wondering if there is a more efficient or official way of doing this.

 -Mike H.
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