[jdom-interest] caching JAXP Template from within an .ear archive

Crook, Charles CrookC at tvratings.com
Thu Aug 1 06:19:21 PDT 2002

Using JDOM, I'm trying to cache Templates for xsl files contained within the
.ear file.  The Source gets created as non-null, but I get an Exception on
the newTemplates call:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Did not find the
stylesheet root!

I know the stylesheets are valid, because they are used succesfully when we
just use a TransformerFactory instead of Templates on them:

This works:
	TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
	StringReader xmlReader = new StringReader( xmlString );
	StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource( xmlReader ) ;
	Transformer transformer = null ;
	if ( xslStylesheet == null || xslStylesheet.equals( "" )) {
		Source stylesheet = tFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet
			( streamSource, media, title, charset);

		transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(stylesheet);
		String xslFileName = localHost + getStyleDir() +
xslStylesheet ;
		// use direct transformer construction
		transformer = tFactory.newTransformer( 
			new StreamSource( xslFileName ) );

This doesn't
	// the ServletContext server_context was previously set by a calling
	if ( server_context != null ){
			if ( !xsltFileName.startsWith( "/" ) ) { 
				xsltFileName = "/" + xsltFileName ;
			xsltURL = server_context.getResource( xsltFileName )
			Syslog.info( "StylesheetCache", "Locating xsl file
in archive: " + xsltURL.toExternalForm() ) ;	  
		} catch ( MalformedURLException ex ){
			Syslog.error( "StylesheetCache", "Unable to load: "
+ xsltFileName + " Exception: " + ex ) ;
	Source xslSource = new StreamSource( xsltURL.toExternalForm() );
	if ( xslSource == null ){
		Syslog.warning( "StylesheetCache", "Null Source created" ) ;
		Syslog.info( "StylesheetCache", "Source created" ) ;
	TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance( );
	Templates templates = transFact.newTemplates(xslSource);
	if ( templates == null ){
		Syslog.warning( "StylesheetCache", "Null templates created"
) ;
		Syslog.warning( "StylesheetCache", "Templates created" ) ;

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