[jdom-interest] I got a Problem with using Namespaces

Tobias Kämpf Tobias.Kaempf at web.de
Mon May 28 05:27:49 PDT 2001

Hello, I am a Student in Germany and trying to use JDom for reading XML-Files and fill Java-Classes with the Information from the XML-File. Now I have a Problem when I get Code like :

<root xsi:type="texttext" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance">
<element xsi:type="text"></element> 

While reading the XML-File with DOMBuilder, I get  
"org.jdom.JDOMException: Error on Line 2 : undeclared Prefix xsi:type". I don't know what to do, or what I did wrong.

If I change the XML-File, for Example xsi:type -> class or something, then my Program can read in all Information without any Exception.

I hope someone can help me, or someone can say me where to look, because I found nothing in the JavaDoc about using Namespaces or how to read them from a File

Tobias Kämpf
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