[jdom-interest] Error with JDom?

Chad LaJoie clajoie at vt.edu
Fri Mar 23 09:55:47 PST 2001

That was it.  Let me warn everyone of this.  The IBM JDK1.3 comes with an 
old version of xerces in the jre/lib/ext directory.  I replaced it with a 
new version of xerces and everything works find now.

At 12:38 PM 3/23/2001, you wrote:
>Now we're getting somewhere!  You must have a different DOM jar in your
>classpath.  I know you say you don't and whenever I see that I say, look in
>your jre/lib/ext directory.  9 out of ten times you have some jar file there
>with DOM and probably other xml related classes.  Delete that jar file so
>know exactly which DOM and XML classes are actually being used and let us
>know what happens.

Chad La Joie                           "Only a man who can not conquer
IT Specialist                             his deficiencies feels the need to
IS&C - WARD                             convince the world he has none"

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