[jdom-interest] schema validation for xml document through jdom

Cameron Smith cameron.smith at entranet.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 01:55:44 PST 2001

From: "Sibon Barman" <sibon at ss8.com>
To: "jdom-interest" <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:54:21 -0500
Subject: [jdom-interest] schema validation for xml document through jdom

>Hi all,
>Is there any way to do schema validation of an xml document when jdom is
>used to read the document. I know there is a validation flag but it only
>checks for DTD if I am not mistaken. I only have schema ----- no DTD ----
>would it be possible for me to do schema validation?

The apache xerces parser supports schemas (although not all features yet) in
its latest stable release (1.3).

However I haven't actually got it to work yet- it will happily parse
documents which are invalid according to their schema (according to XMLSpy)
without throwing any parse exceptions.  Anyone know more about this?

	Cameron Smith, Software Developer
	Entranet Ltd

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