[jdom-interest] Bug in JDOMSource or maybe SAXoutputter.

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Mon Jun 11 02:33:07 PDT 2001


Revisiting the patch code after the week-end made it look not so good!

Two issues with the patch in SAXOutputter:
  - It never reports the namespace of the element itself, only the additional 
namespaces, and
  - It reports all additional namespaces without checking the already declared 
namespaces (NamespaceStack).

Included is a fix to the above problems where startPrefixMapping() builds the 
list of xmlns attributes to declare in startElement().

Sorry for the trouble!


Jason Hunter wrote:

> I just checked in Laurent's patch for this.  Ken, could you please
> verify the latest code in CVS works OK for you now?
> -jh-

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