[jdom-interest] Accessing Elements String Content and Childrens String content

Kevin Baynes kbaynes at seagullsw.com
Wed Dec 12 13:10:11 PST 2001

Accessing Elements String Content and Childrens String content
If you know the structure you can use getChildren to get a List and then
iterate over it until you find the element you need. You can use counters to
keep track of what child you are on.

You must have explicit knowledge of the structure and order for this to
work. If the order changes then your code will break.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: jdom-interest-admin at jdom.org [mailto:jdom-interest-admin at jdom.org]On
Behalf Of Christian Velez
  Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 2:42 PM
  To: 'jdom-interest at jdom.org'
  Subject: [jdom-interest] Accessing Elements String Content and Childrens
String content

  With the code below, is there a way that I can access the String content
  of the CNAME element and its children 'Without' explicitly use child
  names. For further processing, I want to pull the string:

           Rev. Proc. 2001-43 and Profits Interest: ABCDEFGHIJK

      <SLNK SRCEID="ABC:638.3-1">
          <PLINK N="2001-43">Rev. Proc. 2001-43</PLINK>
      <PLINK N="2001-43">
          <M MID="ABC:638.3" MTYPE="LS" MDATE="20011011" MTIME="12501405"/>
          Rev. Proc. 2001-43</PLINK> and Profits Interest: ABCDEFGHIJK

  Any help is appreciated.

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