[jdom-interest] Limitations wrt XPath

Leibundguth, Jonathon jleibundguth at doghouse.com
Mon Oct 23 07:36:34 PDT 2000

I'm having problems with namespaces:  currently I'm working on a project
I read a document in with the SAXBuilder using validation, add a child to
it, then
output the results using an XMLOutputter.  My namespace prefix is "dh" and
the URI is
"http://www.doghouse.com", so in my input file my root element has an
attribute of


I use the namespace class with the element that I add to this document.
However, by the time
I output the result, JDOM has stripped the "dh" off of the namespace
attribute so it reads


this causes the XMLOutputter to fail with a JDOMException.  Has anyone seen
this problem?

J.P. Leibundguth

  jleibundguth at doghouse.com
  571.633.8645 D
  703.760.0660 T
  703.760.8818 F
  FCG Doghouse                     
  8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 800    
  Vienna VA, 22182                  

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