Fwd: [jdom-interest] Disruptive technologies

Simon St.Laurent simonstl at simonstl.com
Sun Jun 25 12:23:00 PDT 2000

At 11:05 AM 6/25/00 -0700, David Williams wrote:
>Isn't Java's platform-portability (although sometimes
>imperfect) a quality that makes it a natural
>co-conspirator for XML's pending disruption of the
>Online Status-quo?? 

Certainly!  If you want to switch to a Java-centric point of view from the
article's XML-centric point of view, XML provides Java with a key tool it
needs for stronger disruption: the ability to communicate almost
transparently with other ('legacy', perhaps) systems.

(That said, I find XML a much easier and more open system to build a
network infrastructure around than 100% Pure Java.)

>JDOM definitely seems to be a great new addition to
>our toolboxes...

I think JDOM breaks down a lot of the barriers between Java and XML and
makes it a more natural fit.  

There are a few other key tools doing that - JOX
(http://www.wutka.com/jox.html) provides DTD-based object serialization and
de-serialization of Java Beans, while Quick
(http://www.jxml.com/quick/index.html) provides more control with a
slighter larger learning curve.  These both supplement/complement JDOM for
integrating Java into particular situations.

>Unfortunately, I can't be at the XML conference... But
>I did read Simon's article, and it was exceptional.  I
>think he plants a seed for creating a new xml-specific
>infra-structure for the Web (even if he says it might
>not be time for it, yet...)..
>The time might be soon, though...

I'm very glad you liked the article, and I think it's time to start
seriously considering that next wave of infrastructure.  I'm not sure where
or how, though, and figure it'll be a while before we can seriously
implement that new infrastructure.

Tools like JDOM certainly have a role to play!

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
http://www.simonstl.com - XML essays and books

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