[jdom-commits] CVS update: jdom/src/java/org/jdom/input

cvs at jools.org cvs at jools.org
Mon Feb 25 20:10:34 PST 2002

Date:	Monday February 25, 2002 @ 23:10
Author:	cvs

Update of /home/cvspublic/jdom/src/java/org/jdom/input
In directory jools.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15102

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Patch from Alex Rosen.


On 11/5/01, we changed SAXBuilder so that saxDriverClass no longer gets set
after creating the parser using JAXP (see
nterest). So in our error messages, we can no longer rely on saxDriverClass
to tell the user which parser we're complaining about - we have to actually
get the parser's class each time.

Also - we are still setting saxDriverClass, if JAXP is not available. I
assume that this is an OK thing to do? It should only be a problem if JAXP
is not initially available to your SAXBuilder, but then it become available
the second time. Seems unlikely.


File: no file SAXBuilder.java		Status: Needs Checkout

   Working revision:	1.64	Tue Feb 26 04:10:33 2002
   Repository revision:	1.64	/home/cvspublic/jdom/src/java/org/jdom/input/SAXBuilder.java,v

   Existing Tags:
	jdom_prefilter           	(revision: 1.59)
	jdom_1_0_b7              	(revision: 1.53)
	jdom_1_0_b6              	(revision: 1.34)
	start                    	(revision:
	jdom                     	(branch: 1.1.1)

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